HYDRAGOLD is a compact device that responds to the immediate beauty, care and change that all women expect with new technology. Hydro liquid pressurized vacuum unit deeply cleans the skin and purifies it from dirt and blackheads, while oxygen provides revitalization and renewal. Ultrasound clearly delays the signs of aging with its micro-massage. In addition to care applications, Hydragold can also respond to unwanted problems such as sagging, wrinkles and spots on the skin with high frequency waves produced by its advanced radio frequency head.
HYDRAGOLD / 7 system
1- Hydra gold Hydro liquid vacuum cleaning
2- Hydragold Oxygen spray
3- Hydragold Hot-cold
4- Hydra gold Oxygen mask
5- Plasma
6- Bipolar Radio frequency + different headphone methods
7- Diamond dermabrasion + liquid vacuum