
  • Removal of cellulite
  • Body shaping
  • Slimming
  • Micro massage Wrinkle removal
  • Breast lift
  • Face lifting
  • Tightening&Aggregation
  • Vacuum massage
  • Skin ironing with bipolar rf
  • Goldplus Technology 5 Technologies in one

4th Generation Cavitation Probe

The system first uses low-frequency sound waves (ultrasound) to get rid of the fat problem from the human body through metabolism. In this way, it is ensured that large oil particles are separated into small pieces. With the initiation of sound pulses from the skin surface, a pushing movement starts from the uppermost fat layer. These impacts compress the spaces between the fats and cause visible body shrinkage. The biggest problem detected here was that despite the positive results of the procedure in the first sessions, it could not be seen in other sessions due to the body getting used to the given frequency. In the 4th generation cavitation, this problem was prevented and the machine operating frequencies were automatically changed every second. With this technology, aside from reducing the values ​​obtained in the first session, it has been ensured that they are perfected by increasing them in the following sessions.


Tripolar RF Header

Tripolar technology is a cutting-edge breakthrough in non-invasive body shaping. It is ensured that patients who refrain from surgery can finally get the results they expect. These results are both immediate and long-term. Tripolar safely and effectively targets and destroys unwanted local adipose tissue. TriLipo requires no recovery time. The applied treatment is a comfortable, comfortable, easy method to be experienced in the form of “enter and exit”, patients can return to their daily routines.

Tripolar application;

  • Reveals the oil in the subcutaneous tissue
  • Removes the released fat by lymphatic drainage mechanism
  • Reshapes the body by removing localized fat and tightening the skin.

Vacuum Probe

The most important action to be done after the intensive fat breakdown and reducing the fatty areas to liquid is to open the body junction points by accelerating the circulatory system. At this point, you can achieve this perfectly thanks to vacuum therapy technologies and Goldkav.


The product carries the freezing effect to the areas where subcutaneous fat accumulates and removes stubborn lipocids with the latest non-invasive method. Scientific research shows that under the freezing effect, at low temperatures, lipocytes are much more susceptible to effects than the surrounding cells. With this principle, it is possible to remove lipocytes without damaging other nearby cells. Applying vacuum to the area in question before cryotherapy gives better results. It is applied between 40 seconds and 1 minute depending on the person’s resistance on the stubborn fat area by touching the probe to the skin and pressing it.

  • Removal of cellulite
  • Body shaping
  • Slimming
  • Micro massage Wrinkle removal
  • Breast lift
  • Face lifting
  • Compression
  • Vacuum massage
  • Skin ironing with bipolar rf